Why You Need a Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS); MetricViews; International Function Points Users Group; January, 2013
Counting Lines of Code: Virtually Worthless for Estimating and Software Sizing; IT Metrics and Productivity Journal; December, 2009; republished by e-newsletter by IFPUG March, 2010
Is There a Weakest Link After All?, IT Metrics and Productivity Journal; December, 2009; republished by e-newsletter by IFPUG; March, 2010
Is There Value to using Lines of Code for Measuring People After All?; TickIT plus,TickIT International; 4Q08 (republished with permission); IT Metrics and Productivity Journal; December, 2009; republished by e-newsletter by IFPUG April, 2010
Lines of Code for Software Estimating - Time for a Reality Check; Fourth World Congress on Software Quality; Bethesda, MD.; September, 2008
Beyond Defect Removal: Latent Defect Estimation with Capture Recapture Method; MetricViews; International Function Point Users Group; Winter 2008,(republished with permission)